Aeropress vs V60 vs French Press: the best manual coffeemakers to up your home brewing game

Coffee connoisseurs rejoice! When you’re thinking about the best way to make coffee at home, do you think about buying an automatic coffee machine or a manual coffeemaker? A manual coffeemaker gives you ultimate control over the coffee you make, and there’s a huge range of makers available.


What’s the best manual coffeemaker?

Making great coffee at home doesn’t need to be hard. While it may seem daunting, anyone can brew delicious, fresh coffee at home with the right equipment and clever pour-over methods. If you’re looking to step up your brewing game, you can take your coffee from mediocre to magnificent with a manual coffeemaker and a little know-how. Read on to learn more about the best manual coffeemakers available, so you can make barista-style coffee at home.

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Using a French press or cafetière to brew coffee

French press/cafetière

If you’re looking for an easy pour-over-style method of coffee brewing, look no further than a French press or cafetière. If you’ve ever used one, you know it takes several minutes (but only about 4-5 minutes) to brew a pot of coffee with one.

This is your typical “immersion brew” method - as your ground coffee is immersed in water, and is loved by coffee drinkers for the ease and speed of crafting a beverage.

Did you know you can make more than just coffee in your cafetière? Read our French press hacks.


Chemex brewing method


The Chemex is a wonderfully retro-looking pour-over glass coffeemaker. It works by infusing - or dripping - water through coffee grounds that sit in a filter to the glass chamber's bottom half.

Chemex filters are typically thicker than ones used for other devices, like the V60, so the brews are slower - but often richer in flavour. Overall, fans love the coffeemaker because it’s known for delivering a smooth cup of coffee.


Hario V60 pour-over brewing method

Hario V60

Like the Chemex, the V60 is an infusion-based (or drip-brew) pour-over manual coffeemaker. However, it’s a lot more portable than the Chemex, thanks to its teacup-shaped design. Because you place it directly above your cup, it’s also a convenient choice, for a quick clean up.

The V60 works by inserting a filter paper into the v-shaped cup, which is placed directly on top of your drinking cup, adding your coffee grounds, and then slowly pouring hot water on top.


Aeropress brewing method


The Aeropress is a cross between a pour-over, a French press and an espresso machine. How? You pour water on top of your coffee grounds, you plunge just as you would with a cafetière, and it relies on the element of pressure, which is crucial in brewing espresso.

Just like the V60, the Aeropress is a manual coffeemaker designed with convenience in mind. You can take it with you and brew it directly into your cup of choice, with the pressure of the plunging motion forcing the water through to extract the coffee flavour and oils.


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