Best tips for working from home


How to survive and thrive working remotely

Whether you’re a seasoned remote worker or just getting used to working from home, productivity and efficiency can be tough to manage - as can your wellbeing.

So, from our own experience working from home, and from our research seeking advice from remote workers just like you, we’re sharing our best advice, our secrets, and tried-and-tested tips and tricks to make working from home work for you.

You might even enjoy working from home more than you thought you could!

Create a morning routine


Start your work from home day in the right mindset with a morning routine. Instead of getting out of bed and scrambling to your work desk 5 minutes before you logon for the day, establishing a routine will help you wake up and get in the zone.

What could your morning routine look like?

Many WFHers love nothing better than starting with a workout or yoga session - as exercise is a great way to boost your endorphins - or you could have a selfcare moment by brewing your favourite coffee and journaling. Whatever you choose, make it a habit that you’ll be happy to do every day - no matter what the weather and how busy your work schedule looks.


Have a designated workspace


…but feel free to move around too. Just as you would at work, it’s essential that you have a dedicated place for working at home, especially if you’re likely to be remote working for a long time.

Take this from me: your bed might be super comfy for an afternoon, but your posture won’t thank you if you treat your bed as your desk! Even if your work desk doubles up as the dining table or your makeup desk, allowing yourself unrestricted access to that space during your day will help improve your productivity massively. And if you do start to feel unmotivated in that location, consider moving around during the day for different tasks, or try moving your desk into another room for a period of time.

From personal experience, I moved my desk from my lounge to my bedroom and instantly felt much more productive by doing so. When I feel my energy dwindling, I might move to my dining table for a couple of hours, before returning to my base. It works for me!

Get rid of distractions


We hear you - it’s so easy to be distracted at home. Whether it’s the TV, pets, family members or a combination of all 3, working from home can be a challenge.

What can you do to stay focused on your work? A good place to start if you’re able to is to leave your phone in another room. Or you can try using your phone to help you stay on task, as there are a range of apps available for this very thing! The Forest App does this well.

For more tips, take a look at our pick of the best productivity books - they each have tons of tips like these!

Don't wear pyjamas


You know that old saying: “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.” Does that still count if you work from home? If you want to boost your productivity, then yes it should!

There’s definitely no judgement here if you do want to work in your favourite PJs, but wearing a clean, fresh and presentable outfit can work wonders for your motivation, even if you’re not planning on being on camera that day.

Related: for extra professional points, invest in a ring light so you shine on your next client call!

Eat away from your desk


I stand by this statement, whether you’re working in an office or at home. A study by Bupa revealed that over a quarter (28%) of workers never take a breather of any kind during their working day, so are likely to eat at their desk. Not only does this reduce productivity, but it could also lead to mental wellbeing and physical health issues.

So, no matter where you’re working - and how much work you have on - make it your priority to carve out a proper daily lunch break away from your desk. Give yourself a chance to refresh and relax during your day.

Keep in touch with colleagues


If you’re not a freelancer, then chances are days (or even weeks!) could go by without speaking to a colleague. While one of the perks of the home office life is the time to get on with your work without interruptions from fellow workers, all too often it can get a little too quiet.

Keeping up regular communication with your colleagues will stave off feelings of loneliness and could even help boost your creativity, especially if you’re struggling with a task you might have.

If you don’t currently do so, book a time into your teams’ calendars each week where you get a chance to talk - and make it clear that it doesn’t need to be work related chat! Not only will this benefit you, but this could prove to be a real life line for a colleague that you might not know is struggling too.

Have an end of day routine


This tip isn’t one to underestimate! Having that distinct moment when you finish working every day is difficult when you work from home. It’s all too easy just to keep on working, and before you know it, it’s 9pm and you haven’t given yourself a chance to switch off! But, by creating an end of day routine, you can make sure you help your mind rest and recharge for tomorrow.

Easy wins: close your laptop lid or turn off your monitor and don’t touch it again until you start work. Create a to-do list for the next day at the end of the day, so you don’t spend the evening worrying about your schedule. Go outside! In addition to these, this expert dentist in Avon Lake OH also recommends getting regular health checkups. Visit a physician at least once a year and twice a year for a dentist.

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