Five ways to decorate your home office for the festive season

Christmas approaches with an unyielding pace and your office group chats are likely already awash with conversations about secret Santas and the inevitable Christmas Do. Working from home, as many in the UK are, you might find yourself somewhat removed from the company-mandated cheer of the conventional office. What could you do to celebrate the festive season in your home office, in a way that suits your style?

A Quintessential Christmas Tree

What better way to ring in the festive season than with a Christmas tree? Christmas trees to Christmas are what hash browns are to English breakfast – practically indispensable. Why not bring that indispensable Christmas cheer into your home office? A big bushy tree could form a lovely partial backdrop to your webcam if placed behind you, while a smaller one could feature baubles and trinkets from your family to keep your home office homely.

A Simple Wreath

Of course, Christmas trees are not everyone’s style. Some might think them a little too garish, or otherwise taking up too much space. Indeed, not all home offices are capacious enough to fit a Christmas tree, even if a slim four-footer. Besides, you might be keener on dressing the parts of your office that are visible by webcam.

In this instance, hanging a wreath on the wall behind you can be a small, simple, and elegant alternative. You could get one to decorate as you would a Christmas tree, you could create your own, or you could find a more minimalist affair that reflects your aesthetic more readily.

Stylish Christmas Lights

Lighting up your office is another way to get into the festive spirit – as well as a way to make your home working space feel much cosier as the winter weather descends. Hanging some festive string lights behind your desk could be a smart way to frame your monitor and illuminate your working space, and even eliminate the need for harsher task lighting – making working a much comfier endeavour. Alternatively, you could arrange lighting on the wall behind you to brighten up your webcam offering to your colleagues.


Technically speaking, a wreath is a garland – but there are so many different types of garlands that you can employ, alongside your ambient lighting, to make all the corners of your office feel that bit more festive. Laying artificial garlands made of the same material as artificial trees can give you control over the extent of your decorations, and also present a much less messy way to decorate; no daily vacuuming-up of pine needles for you!

Desk Ornaments

Finally, we come to your desk, and the innumerable decoration possibilities therein. The desk is a grail for personal effects and comedy objet-d’art, and the festive season is no different. A snow globe from a friend or a funny trinket can combine Christmas with your fingerprint.


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