The wrath of winter and rising fears of road accidents: A deep dive

Do you experience a sense of bleakness surrounding winter? To some, this season holds a special kind of beauty. To others, their expectations from this period are too high. As for some others, this time of the year is plain gray and gloomy.

Temperature extremes, especially with heavy snowfall, can be tough on the body. Studies have found that cold-related deaths vastly outnumber those associated with heat. The oldest and youngest demographics are naturally the most vulnerable.

The most common causes of winter deaths are hypothermia, influenza, and coronary thrombosis. Even so, the numbers have further increased due to road accidents. Yes, winter’s wrath raises concerns regarding the safety of drivers, as we shall discuss in this article.

Keep reading to understand the causes and aftermath of winter-related road accidents. We have also included four crucial tips for drivers to stay safe during the upcoming season.

Why do road accidents increase during winter?

Weather conditions can significantly impact the number of road accidents that occur. On average, over 550,000 Americans become the victims of winter-related accidents every year. This is by no means a trivial figure.

Even across the UK, drivers are at a 15% higher risk of being involved in a winter-related road accident than a summer counterpart. This can be called a worldwide issue, especially in countries where snow and ice are a part of the big picture.

Now, let’s look at some of the common reasons why road accidents tend to rise during the winter -

●      Poor visibility - From rain to fog and snow, the winter brings along various elements that make visibility difficult. Without extra winter accessories, safety gets jeopardized. The visibility problem is greatest during early morning hours in areas with expansive vegetation.

●      Slippery roads - The high moisture content prevailing in the air naturally causes faster condensation. The minute this happens, the water may turn into ice. Sheets of ice in the form of frost form on the roads, making them extremely slippery. The lack of traction on such roads increases the risk of accidents.

●      Incorrect defrosting - Some accidents do not even start on the road. They take shape at the time the driver defrosts their windscreens incorrectly in the morning. If the de-icing process is not complete, the remaining frost can impact visibility. If the heat is turned on immediately after getting inside the car, the glass will expand and chip/crack. A damaged windshield is highly dangerous for the roads in general, let alone the winters.

●      Freeze-Thaw cycle - During winters, snow or ice melts under the sun’s heat and re-freezes at night. This process causes the melted water to expand, which may increase the cracks on pavements and roads. With an ongoing cycle, the damage worsens and may lead to larger potholes. Unsuspecting drivers may zip right into one of these, especially with the lack of friction due to the snow.


The dreadful aftermath

Road accidents overall can have debilitating consequences. However, the winter only makes things worse as we shall illustrate using the example of a city renowned for unsafe road conditions. We’re referring to the US city of St. Louis in Missouri.

It has been ranked among the top 10 most dangerous places in the US, one reason being the scare of road accidents. With dangerous interstates and blind-curve intersections, the city gets scarier for drivers during the winter.

In early 2024, concerns regarding icy coating on roads were raised across St. Louis. It led to numerous road accidents, especially after the temperatures dipped in the evening hours. Rear-end collisions are the most common during winters.

Accidents on roads with melting snow may involve multiple cars due to the lack of friction. Given the circumstances, there’s a greater chance of fatalities. Even at the least, those involved may suffer from severe injuries. According to TorHoerman Law, the injuries can range from paralysis to broken bones and brain trauma.

No matter the case, legal support is available for the victims and their families. They can get fair compensation with the help of a St. Louis car accident attorney. They will help understand the implications of the unique case along with identifying the liable parties.

In some cases, even the local government bodies responsible for road maintenance may be held liable. An attorney’s support does fast-track the process, albeit it is best to employ proper precautionary measures.


4 Safe-Driving Tips When Ice or Snow is Involved

As mentioned earlier, here are four safe driving tips that can help you navigate your way on roads full of ice or snow.

Avoid Cruise Control in Slippery Situations

Cruise control, a feature locking in speed, is most suitable for driving along long stretches of straight, clear roads. Certain situations call for turning off cruise control, including heavy traffic and snow/ice on the roads.

When the cruise control is off, it’s easier to feel the slippery roads. This will push you to back off your foot from the accelerator. Since cruise control places continuous pressure on the accelerator, you may lose traction and end up in a slide collision. It’s best to avoid cruise controls, even the modern adaptive ones.

Maintain Plenty of Space

A thumb rule of winter driving is maintaining space. To ensure the safest drive possible, maintain a vast distance between yourself and the vehicle in front. This will largely depend on the speed.

However, two car lengths are the space needed between the front bumper of your car and the rear of the one ahead. If you’re driving along a highway or interstate, increase the space by three, four, or even five car lengths.

Have All the Necessary Parts Checked

The frequency of car servicing depends on the vehicle’s age, make, and model. However, this is a must during wintertime. Before the harsh weather sets in, you must have all the necessary parts checked thoroughly.

These would include the wiper blades, windshield, engine, all lights, tires, and more. Sometimes, it is only when a snowstorm rolls in that drivers realize the importance of the aforementioned parts. Take your car for maintenance and in case of any issues, have them addressed at the earliest.

Ride the Skid When You Start to Slide

Have you ever felt your car’s tires start to slip towards one side during the winter? In such situations, it’s easy to panic and hit the brakes. Do not do this as it could lead to an accident ahead.

Instead, you must lay off the gas pedal and gently steer the vehicle’s nose back to its normal position. Essentially, keep off the brakes and gas pedal whilst riding the skid back to the center line. Also, if you skid once, it is highly likely to happen again. So, once the car has returned to its resting position, try to head home/destination especially if it’s nearby.


In closing, let’s discuss the upcoming winters of 2024-25. It is expected that this season will be warmer than usual for the East, whereas colder for the West. This means drivers in the UK and US must brace themselves with the tips mentioned in this article. At least that would ensure the wrath of winter does not wreak too much havoc this year.


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