How to organise your workspace at home
A messy, disorganised workspace isn’t only unpleasant to work in but could destroy your focus, slow down productivity, and decrease motivation. If you permanently or occasionally work from home, you must create an efficient, clean environment to quickly check many boxes on your to-do list. If you are ready to overhaul your environment, read the following advice on how to organise your workspace at home.
A messy, disorganised workspace isn’t only unpleasant to work in but could destroy your focus, slow down productivity, and decrease motivation. If you permanently or occasionally work from home, you must create an efficient, clean environment to quickly check many boxes on your to-do list. If you are ready to overhaul your environment, read the following advice on how to organise your workspace at home.
Install a Quiet, Spacious Garden Office
If you are working in a busy family kitchen or have turned your bedroom into a chaotic home office, you must aim to create a more private, quiet, and spacious workspace. If you regularly work from home, it might be worthwhile making alterations to your property to create a more productive office to grow in your career.
If you don’t have a spare bedroom, consider installing an attractive, high-quality garden office on your exterior. It will provide a spacious, comfortable place to work in silence and ample square footage for a desk, filing cabinet, bookcase, and more. Check offices to discover the perfect size, style, and layout to match your taste, budget, and property. Think carefully about your wants and needs before selecting a garden office. For instance, insulation can create a warm, cozy space each season, and consider installing a bathroom for convenience throughout the working day.
Run a Paperless Office
If you are short on workspace and want to improve your workspace’s efficiency, consider running a paperless office. Rather than storing endless paperwork in desk drawers, filing cabinets, or boxes, request clients, customers, or suppliers send virtual copies of documents moving forward. Also, create categorized, encrypted folders on your computer for a more organized, secure, and efficient environment. You might be surprised by the difference it makes to your working day.
Maximize Your Workspace’s Vertical Storage
Even if you do run a paperless office, the chances are you will still need to store various items in the workspace, such as pens, textbooks, device chargers, tablet computers, and more. If so, you can create a more organized, attractive, and convenient environment by maximizing your home office’s vertical storage. For example, you could install stylish bookcases, floating shelves, pinboards, or corkboards to free up floor space and ensure an item is within reach when needed.
Maintain a Clean, Tidy Desk Throughout the Day
Your boss or clients might not see your coffee cups, stacks of paper, or dirty plates on your office desk during a virtual call, but the messy environment will destroy your focus and may even increase your risk of spillages on documents or devices. For this reason, you must create an environment that will allow you to quickly clean up any mess you make throughout the working day. For instance, you could transform your office by adding a trash can under your desk, introducing better storage solutions, and simply removing all cups and crockery during your break. Remember, a cluttered desk is a cluttered mind, and you must make it your mission to maintain a clean, tidy workspace each day.
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Managing stress when working from home
Stress is a normal part of life, and it's something that we all experience from time to time. However, prolonged periods of stress can lead to burnout and have negative effects on both our physical and mental health.
Stress is a normal part of life, and it's something that we all experience from time to time. However, prolonged periods of stress can lead to burnout and have negative effects on both our physical and mental health. There’s been a wealth of research undertaken in recent years that highlights how stress is impacting everyday lives for workers, and how working from home may put you more at risk of experiencing stress or anxiety;
According to a recent study conducted by the American Psychological Association, 75% of employees experienced at least one symptom of stress in the past month, such as feeling overwhelmed or anxious.
Additionally, a survey by Monster found that 69% of employees experienced burnout symptoms while working remotely during the pandemic.
A study by Buffer found that 20% of remote workers cited loneliness as their biggest challenge, and 18% cited communication as a significant source of stress. The same study found that 22% of remote workers struggle with unplugging from work, which can lead to work-life balance issues and increased stress.
Biggest challenge of working from home (Buffer)
Furthermore, research by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) suggests that remote workers may be at a higher risk for certain stressors, such as social isolation, longer work hours, and difficulty separating work and personal life.
Research has also revealed there may be a link between working from home and an increase in the amount of screen time per person. Specifically, in 2022, adults in the UK spend an average of 5 hours per day on screens, which represents a 2-hour increase from the data recorded in 2020 (Source).
These statistics highlight the importance of proactively managing stress when working from home and implementing strategies to maintain good mental and physical health, as managing workplace stress when working from home requires a proactive approach.
Here are some tips to help you manage stress while working remotely:
Set Boundaries
One of the biggest challenges of working from home is separating work life from personal life. It's important to set boundaries and create a routine that allows you to switch off from work when you're done for the day. This means setting specific times for work and sticking to them, taking breaks, and avoiding the temptation to check your work email or take work calls outside of your designated work hours.
Create a Dedicated Workspace
Creating a dedicated and efficient workspace in your home can help you focus and be more productive while also reducing stress. Choose a quiet space where you can work without distractions, and make sure you have all the necessary equipment and tools you need to work efficiently.
Take Regular Breaks
Taking regular breaks throughout the day can help reduce stress and increase productivity. It's essential to take short breaks every few hours, stretch your legs, and get some fresh air. You can also use your break time to do something that relaxes you, like meditation or yoga.
Taking care of yourself sounds easier said than done. Mindfulness, meditation, yoga, self-care and therapy have exploded in popularity in recent years, and with you able to undertake most of these activities from home, you can easily fit these in to your busy day.
Stay Connected
Working from home can be isolating, but it doesn't have to be. Make sure to stay connected with your colleagues, friends, and family members. You can use video conferencing tools like Zoom or Skype to stay in touch and schedule virtual coffee breaks or happy hours to stay connected with your team. But, be mindful of how ‘Zoom fatigue’ can also lead to stress and anxiety, if overused.
Practice Self-Care
Practicing self-care is essential for managing workplace stress. Take time to do something that you enjoy, like reading a book or taking a walk in nature. It's also essential to get enough sleep, eat well, and exercise regularly to maintain good physical and mental health. In addition to these practices, exploring holistic approaches such as IV therapy NYC can provide a rejuvenating boost, helping replenish vital nutrients and restoring your energy levels, ultimately contributing to a more resilient and balanced well-being.
Managing workplace stress when working from home requires a proactive approach. By setting boundaries, creating a dedicated workspace, taking regular breaks, staying connected, and practicing self-care, you can reduce stress and maintain good physical and mental health. Remember, working from home doesn't mean you have to be available 24/7, and it's essential to take time for yourself to recharge and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
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How to make excellent espresso at home
Making a quality espresso at home is a bit more complicated than making excellent filter coffee. Making an excellent espresso involves getting five variables right. Here we will go through how you can control all these variables with a basic espresso machine in order to create a drink that will rival anything you’d get from a coffee shop.
Making a quality espresso at home is a bit more complicated than making excellent filter coffee.
Making an excellent espresso involves getting the following five variables right:
Brew ratio
Brewing temperature
Coffee grind size
Quantity of ground coffee you use
Brew time
Here we will go through how you can control all these variables with a basic espresso machine in order to create a drink that will rival anything you’d get from a coffee shop.
Brew Ratio: Weigh Out Your Ground Coffee and Final Espresso
One of the most important factors in making an excellent espresso is getting the correct brew ratio.
Brew ratio refers to the quantity of ground coffee that you brew with, compared to the quantity of liquid espresso that ends up in your cup.
Espresso should typically have a brew ratio of 1:1.3, but this ideal ratio can vary a bit depending on the type of coffee beans that you use.
The only way that you can accurately measure your brew ratio is by weighing out both your initial dose of ground coffee and the liquid that ends up in your cup.
You will need a scale to do this. Make sure that your scale is small enough to fit under your cup while making your espresso and that it can weigh to the nearest gram.
While it's easier to measure out your final espresso by volume, rather than weight, and to work on the assumption that one millilitre of liquid espresso weighs one gram, this is inaccurate due to the layer of crema that forms atop your espresso.
Crema adds significantly to the volume of your espresso without actually adding much extra liquid to it (crema is mainly air).
Therefore, to measure out your brew ratio accurately you will need to weigh both your ground and liquid coffee rather than measure it by some other means.
Do Not Exceed Maximum Coffee Dose For Your Portafilter Basket
The part of your espresso machine where your ground coffee sits during brewing is called its portafilter basket (the larger, detachable part of your espresso machine that holds your ground coffee is called its portafilter.)
Portafilter to the left and portafilter basket to the right
Each portafilter basket was designed to hold a maximum dose of ground coffee.
If you exceed this dose, then your brewing water will not be able to cover your ground coffee evenly.
This will create a bitter final drink as parts of your coffee bed that get the majority of the direct contact with your brewing water will become over extracted, and leech their harsher tasting compounds into your brewing water.
Your machine’s portafilter basket should have its maximum ground coffee capacity printed on its outside. If you cannot find it there, then it will definitely be in your machine’s instruction manual.
Use this as a fixed variable, and then use your desired brewing ratio (again 1:1.3 ground to liquid coffee is a good start) to determine how much water you want to brew with.
Brewing with less ground coffee than your portafilter basket’s maximum dose is not a problem.
Warm Up Your Portafilter Basket Before You Make Your First Espresso
Espresso should be brewed at a temperature between 92 and 96 degrees Celsius. If your brewing water is any cooler than this, then it will not extract the flavorful compounds out of your ground coffee efficiently enough and you will end up with a very flat tasting final drink.
While even a cheap espresso machine will likely heat your water up to this ideal brewing temperature, if your metal portafilter basket is cold then your water’s temperature will likely drop below 92 degrees Celsius when it hits your coffee bed.
You should therefore warm up your portafilter prior to making your espresso.
The easiest way to do this is to pull a blank shot, that is a shot without any ground coffee in your portafilter. The hot water should bring your portafilter basket to a temperature where it allows you to brew your espresso at 92-96 degrees Celsius.
At coffee shops, baristas tend to pull a handful of blank shots before making their first espresso. This probably is not necessary for a home machine, however more blank shots certainly won’t hurt.
Use a Pressurised Portafilter Basket if You are Brewing With Pre Ground Coffee
While I’d generally recommend making espresso with freshly ground coffee, you can still pull a decent shot using pre ground coffee if you use a pressurised portafilter basket.
Pressurised portafilter baskets differ from non-pressurised portafilter baskets in that the former only has one tiny hole where your liquid espresso can come out of. The latter has dozens, if not hundreds of these tiny holes.
The red circle shows the single hole on the pressurised portafilter basket on the right
Pressurised portafilter baskets are necessary for making good espresso with pre ground coffee because pre ground coffee tends to be ground coarsely (by espresso standards).
The coarser ground your coffee, the larger the spaces are between each individual grind.
Large spaces between grinds means that your brewing water will run through your coffee faster, resulting in less contact time between your coffee and water. This will lower extraction resulting in a dull tasting coffee.
The single hole on a pressurised portafilter acts as a bottleneck forcing your brewing water to sit in with your puck of ground coffee and therefore increasing the contact time between the two. This allows you to achieve a good extraction even with pre ground coffee.
If you use freshly ground coffee, and have a high quality burr grinder, then you will want to use a non pressurised portafilter basket as the ground coffee bed alone will offer enough resistance to your brewing water to allow for sufficient extraction.
If you have a lower quality grinder and grind your own beans then you still might want to use a pressurised portafilter basket.
A good way of testing whether you are better suited to a pressurised portafilter basket is by timing your shots. If your shots brew in anything under 22 seconds then you may want to switch to a pressurised portafilter basket, even if you grind your own beans.
Most espresso machines come with both pressurised and non pressurised portafilter baskets so you can make good espresso with both pre ground and freshly ground coffee.
Adjust Your Espressos Flavor By Changing Your Grind Size Setting
One of the biggest advantages of having your own coffee grinder is that the best way of fine tuning your espresso’s flavour is by adjusting your coffee’s grind size.
Trying to change your espresso’s flavour by adjusting the quantity of coffee that you use is like trying to hammer a nail with a sledgehammer. Even small changes in your brew ratio can make huge changes in your espresso’s final flavour.
You are far better off adjusting your espresso’s flavour by playing around with the grind size of your coffee.
As a general rule:
Coarser ground coffee will result in a more mild flavoured drink. Too coarse and your drink can be very dull tasting or a touch sour.
Finer ground coffee will result in a bolder drink. Too fine and your espresso will be harsh tasting.
The general best practice here is to keep grinding finer and finer until your espresso is too harsh tasting and then go back one setting. This should make as rich as coffee as possible without tasting harsh.
While making espresso is trickier than making coffee in a French press, it is a skill that can be mastered with a bit of practice.
So long as you meet the desired brew ratio, brewing temperature, and contact time between ground coffee and water, you should end up with an espresso that helps you hit the ground running every morning.
This article was written by Oli Baise, a barista who runs the coffee blog Drinky Coffee
Top tips for setting up your home office desk
We will share our top tips for setting up your home office desk. Whether you are creating a dedicated workspace or carving out a corner of your living room, these tips will help you create a setup that works for you. We will cover everything from selecting the right location to adding personal touches that make your workspace feel inviting and inspiring.
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced millions of people to work from home, which has resulted in a surge in demand for home office setups. With the lines between personal and professional life becoming increasingly blurred, setting up a home office that is comfortable, functional, and conducive to productivity has become more important than ever.
A well-designed home office can help you stay focused, minimize distractions, and create a space that inspires you to be productive. However, setting up a home office desk can be challenging, especially if you are new to working from home. From choosing the right location to setting up your computer and monitor correctly, there are many factors to consider.
We will share our top tips for setting up your home office desk. Whether you are creating a dedicated workspace or carving out a corner of your living room, these tips will help you create a setup that works for you. We will cover everything from selecting the right location to adding personal touches that make your workspace feel inviting and inspiring.
By following these tips, you can create a home office setup that will help you stay productive, focused, and motivated while working from home. Whether you are a seasoned remote worker or new to the world of telecommuting, these tips will help you set up a home office that meets your needs and helps you achieve your goals.
Choose the right location
Get a comfortable chair
Adjust your chair and desk height
Use an ergonomic keyboard and mouse
Keep your desk organised
Use proper lighting
Set up your computer and monitor correctly
Add personal touches
Choose the right location
The first step in setting up your home office is to choose the right location. Ideally, you want a quiet and well-lit room with minimal distractions. If you can, choose a room with a window that lets in natural light. This can help improve your mood and energy levels, as well as reduce eye strain from working under artificial light.
Get a comfortable chair
One of the most important pieces of furniture in your home office is your chair. You'll be spending a lot of time sitting in it, so it's important to choose one that provides good support for your back and is comfortable to sit in for long periods. Look for a chair with adjustable height and lumbar support, so you can customize it to your body.
Adjust your chair and desk height
Once you have your chair, it's important to adjust it to the right height. Your elbows should be at a 90-degree angle when you type, and your feet should be flat on the floor. If your chair is too low, you may end up slouching, which can lead to back pain. If it's too high, you may end up straining your neck and shoulders.
Use an ergonomic keyboard and mouse
Typing and using a mouse can put a lot of strain on your wrists and hands, which can lead to repetitive strain injuries. To avoid this, invest in an ergonomic keyboard and mouse. These are designed to reduce strain on your hands and wrists by allowing them to stay in a natural position.
Logitech MX Master 3 Advanced Wireless Mouse
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Our recommended wireless mouse is ideal for Mac and Windows users.
Keep your desk organised
A cluttered desk can be distracting and make it harder to focus. Keep your desk tidy by using drawers, shelves, and organizers to store your supplies and paperwork. This will help you stay focused and avoid getting overwhelmed by clutter.
Keeping clutter out of sight and out of mind leads to a much more productive environment!
Use proper lighting
Good lighting is essential for a home office setup. Make sure your desk is well-lit with a combination of natural and artificial light. Natural light is ideal, as it can help improve your mood and energy levels. If you don't have access to natural light, consider investing in a high-quality desk lamp.
Set up your computer and monitor correctly
Your computer and monitor should be set up at the right height and distance to reduce eye strain and neck pain. Position your computer monitor at eye level, and make sure it's at least an arm's length away from your face. This will help reduce neck strain and prevent eye fatigue.
Add personal touches
Last and not least, don't forget to add some personal touches to your home office setup. This can help make your workspace feel more inviting and inspiring. Consider adding a plant, photos, or other decor that makes you happy and motivates you to work.
In conclusion, setting up a home office desk can seem overwhelming at first, but with the right tips and tricks, it can be a breeze. By following these suggestions, you can create a workspace that's comfortable, organized, and perfect for getting your work done. Don't forget to add some personal touches that make you feel happy and motivated, whether it's a plant, a favorite photo, or some inspiring artwork. With the right setup, you'll be able to work from home with ease and make the most of your time. So, grab a cup of coffee, put on some music, and get ready to create the home office of your dreams!
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How working from home is making it easier to be a parent [Statistics]
As the world continues to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, many parents have found themselves adapting to a new way of working: from home. While this transition has been challenging for many, there are some unexpected benefits to working from home that have made life easier for parents.
As the world continues to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, many parents have found themselves adapting to a new way of working: from home. While this transition has been challenging for many, there are some unexpected benefits to working from home that have made life easier for parents.
Remote work mainly affects the fertility of women who already have multiple children, while it has no effect on the fertility intentions of women with no or one child.
According to the Demographic Intelligence Family Survey, recent research (2023) suggests that female remote workers are more inclined to plan having a baby, particularly if they are wealthier, older, and more educated, in comparison to their colleagues who work in an office. In addition, the study found that remote workers are more likely to tie the knot in the upcoming year compared to nonremote workers.
Remote workers, particularly those living with children, spend more time on childcare and housework due to the absence of time-consuming commutes, resulting in increased birth rates, especially for wealthier or more educated women. (Source)
Unmarried remote workers have higher chances of getting married in the next year compared to non-remote workers, possibly due to higher migration rates. (Source)
While remote work has a mild positive impact on the likelihood of near-term pregnancy, it significantly affects fertility intentions for women aged over 35, especially over 39. (Source)
Remote women with significantly improved household finances are over 10% more likely to report being pregnant or trying to be so compared to non-remote workers. (Source)
Remote work mainly affects the fertility of women who already have multiple children, while it has no effect on the fertility intentions of women with no or one child. (Source)
The benefits of working from home for parents
Flexible Schedules
One of the biggest advantages of working from home for parents is the ability to have a more flexible schedule. When working from an office, parents often have to abide by strict schedules and may have to leave work early to pick up their children from school or attend a school function. However, when working from home, parents have the freedom to adjust their work schedule to fit their family's needs. This means they can take breaks to help their children with schoolwork or attend virtual parent-teacher conferences without worrying about taking time off from work.
No Commute
Another benefit of working from home is the elimination of the daily commute. Commuting to work can be stressful and time-consuming, especially for parents who have to drop off their children at school or daycare before heading to work. By eliminating the commute, parents have more time to spend with their children in the morning, which can make the day feel less rushed and more relaxed.
More Time with Family
Working from home also allows parents to spend more time with their family. When working in an office, parents may only see their children in the morning and evening, leaving little time for quality time together. However, when working from home, parents can take breaks throughout the day to spend time with their children, whether it's playing a game or having lunch together. This extra time with family can lead to stronger bonds and a better work-life balance.
Reduced Stress
Finally, working from home can help reduce stress levels for parents. Juggling work and family responsibilities can be challenging, but working from home eliminates some of the stressors that come with an office environment. There's no need to worry about traffic or finding childcare, which can lead to a more relaxed and focused work environment. Additionally, being able to take breaks throughout the day to spend time with family can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being.
Clearly working from home has provided some unexpected benefits for parents. From flexible schedules to more time with family, working from home has made life easier for many parents. As we continue to navigate these uncertain times, it's important to look for the positives and appreciate the small joys that come with working from home.
Currently working from home? Read these:
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The future of shopping: How technology is revolutionising consumer behaviour
The world of shopping is constantly evolving, and technology plays a massive role in driving these changes. With the pandemic causing a significant shift in how we shop, it's clear that technology is the key to unlocking a brighter future for consumers and retailers alike. As we look to the future, emerging technologies are set to transform how we shop even further, making the shopping experience more convenient, personalized, and efficient.
The world of shopping is constantly evolving, and technology plays a massive role in driving these changes. With the global pandemic in 2020 causing a significant shift in how we shop, it's clear that technology is the key to unlocking a brighter future for consumers and retailers alike. As we look to the future, emerging technologies are set to transform how we shop even further, making the shopping experience more convenient, personalised, and efficient.
Whether you're a retailer looking to stay ahead of the curve or a consumer curious about the future of shopping, this article will provide valuable insights into how technology is driving change in commerce.
Greater Choice and Customization
The internet has helped people shop from anywhere in the world and have their purchases delivered right to their doorstep. This has led to increased global competition, forcing companies to focus on customer loyalty and engagement to survive.
In addition to more options, consumers now expect greater customization in their shopping experiences. Companies have responded by offering personalized recommendations based on past purchases and browsing history and creating virtual try-on experiences for products like clothing and makeup. This level of customization has become a key factor in customer satisfaction and retention.
Furthermore, payment methods have also evolved to accommodate the needs and preferences of consumers. Alongside traditional payment methods such as credit and debit cards, mobile payments, cryptocurrencies, and digital wallets have gained popularity. This flexibility in payment options has made shopping more convenient and accessible worldwide.
As a result, businesses must adapt their strategies to provide a seamless and personalized customer experience. They must consider not only the quality of their products but also the ease of the purchasing process, the convenience of delivery options, and the ability to provide personalized recommendations and customization.
The Power of Connection
With the rise of social media platforms and the increasing use of online communication tools, consumers are more connected than ever. In real-time, people can share their experiences, opinions, and recommendations about products and services with a global audience.
Consumers can now easily compare products and services from different brands and make informed purchasing decisions based on the opinions of others. Reviews, ratings, and testimonials from other customers are highly valued and often influence purchase decisions.
This connectivity has also given rise to the influencer marketing trend. Brands can now collaborate with social media influencers who have a large following to promote their products and services. Consumers often trust these influencers and are likelier to buy products they endorse.
Moreover, consumers can directly interact with brands and businesses through social media. Companies can use these channels to engage with customers, address their concerns, and provide personalized customer support. This direct connection has made it easier for businesses to build strong customer relationships and increase brand loyalty.
As consumers become more connected, their purchasing decisions will increasingly rely on the opinions of others, creating new opportunities for businesses such as Myer to engage with their customers and build their brands.
Meeting Expectations
In this era of instant gratification, shoppers expect to receive high-quality products and services as quickly and efficiently as possible. They want a seamless experience from start to finish, and technology plays a crucial role in meeting these expectations.
A key area where technology has transformed consumer behavior is customer service. Consumers want instant gratification, and businesses are responding by integrating chatbots and live chat options into websites and social media platforms. These tools enable customers to receive real-time support and information, creating a more personalized shopping experience.
Another way businesses are meeting expectations is through the use of Big Data and predictive analytics. By analyzing consumer behavior and preferences, companies can tailor their offerings and marketing strategies to meet the specific needs of their customers. For example, by tracking which products customers browse or buy, businesses can offer personalized recommendations and promotions, making the shopping experience more relevant and engaging.
Technology is also transforming the delivery and logistics aspects of the shopping experience. Same-day and next-day delivery options have become the norm for many retailers, and some are even experimenting with drones and other innovative technologies to streamline the process further.
Emerging Technologies
As technology continues to evolve, it will inevitably have an even more significant impact on the future of shopping. Here are some emerging technologies that will continue to change how we shop:
Augmented Reality (AR)
AR technology allows shoppers to visualize products in real-time, creating a more immersive and interactive experience. With AR, customers can see how products look in their homes or on themselves before purchasing. For example, IKEA's AR app allows customers to see how furniture will look in their homes before buying.
Virtual Reality (VR)
VR technology can create a fully immersive shopping experience, allowing customers to browse and interact with products like a physical store. This technology can also be used for virtual try-ons of clothing and accessories, making it easier for customers to make informed purchases.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI-powered chatbots can provide customers with 24/7 assistance and personalized recommendations. This technology can analyze a customer's shopping history and behavior to make personalized product recommendations, simplifying the shopping experience and increasing customer satisfaction.
Voice Assistants
Voice assistants like Amazon's Alexa and Google Home are already used for online shopping. With voice commands, customers can add items to their cart, check out, and track their orders. This technology will continue to improve, making the shopping experience even more seamless.
Blockchain technology can improve transparency and security in the supply chain, leading to increased consumer trust. This technology allows customers to track the journey of products from the manufacturer to the store, ensuring that they are ethically and sustainably sourced.
Technology has revolutionized how we shop, providing consumers with greater choice, customization, and convenience. As we've seen, the power of connection has made us more informed and empowered consumers, while businesses must meet our expectations for personalized and streamlined experiences.
As emerging technologies continue to shape the future of shopping, it's exciting to imagine the endless possibilities of how we will buy and sell goods and services. One thing is certain: the shopping experience will continue to change, and it's up to businesses to adapt and innovate to stay ahead of the curve.
A quick start guide to designing your home
Designing your home for life is about creating a space that best represents your personality and lifestyle. It's a process that includes everything from colour and lighting to storage and furniture.
Here are a few tips to help you transform your home into the house of your dreams.
Photo credit: Kenny Eliason
Designing your home for life is about creating a space that best represents your personality and lifestyle. It's a process that includes everything from color and lighting to storage and furniture.
Today, our homes are more than just a place to sleep. It is the place where we share life with the people we love. In our society, working from home and enjoying various forms of entertainment from home is common.
We can set up a workspace that creates calmness. We can gather in our family areas to stream movies, visit with friends and family via the internet and even play the lottery without leaving home.
Below are a few tips to help you transform your home into the house of your dreams.
Photo credit: Andrew Ridley
Best colors of the year for walls
The best colors for walls this year are bold but still grounded. Blue hues like Valspar’s Vining Ivy are perfect for a calming vibe, as they communicate tranquility and balance.
This color works well with more neutrals, natural textures, and luxe elements to create a beautiful, calming space. This is the perfect choice for bedrooms, bathrooms, and home offices.
Another popular wall color this year is Sherwin Williams’ Origami White (SW 7636). This warm white is an excellent option for a modern and minimalist interior.
In addition to being one of the most popular neutrals, it is also a color that is easy to paint over and reflects light very well in a room. It is also versatile and can adapt to many design styles, from coastal to modern.
Furniture selections
Furniture is a considerable part of the home design process. Choosing the best pieces for your home will help you create a space that reflects your style.
According to Vogue, some significant changes are happening in home decor. Create a calm space with earth tones. Use bold colors to add interest but not overpower the room. Farmhouse styles are fading this year, and more traditional furniture is returning.
The right furniture can also enhance your space and improve the functionality of your home. When selecting the best pieces for your area, consider the traffic you have in that room and what activities you will be doing in it.
Luckily, several retailers offer the best furniture selections to fit any budget. Some of these retailers even have curated selections, so you won’t have to browse the internet to find your next best piece. The best is that you can shop for your new favorite pieces right from the comfort of your home!
Photo credit: Roberto Nickson
Home office
Whether you work from home or have an office space, creating a functional workspace that inspires you and allows you to do your best work is critical. Here are a few tips to remember as you plan your home office layout and add decorative elements.
1. Select a color scheme that suits you and your workspace.
Choosing the right colors can help you feel more energized and focused or less distracted if your work is tedious and physical. Consider warm sandy tan, gray, and comfortable hues of blue and green.
2. Pick furniture that will adapt to your changing needs as you grow your business or change jobs.
For example, if you’re an architect, consider a large desk to draw on and a minimal chair for drafting plans. Likewise, if you’re an accountant, a sleek desk will allow you to access essential data without taking up too much room.
Take advantage of the space available to you. Use shelves, cupboards, and boxes for storage and create an inspiring area. Your office furniture must be comfortable, and you want the room to be bright and inspiring.
Entertainment areas
When designing your home for life, you want it to be comfortable and adaptable to your needs. One of the best ways to achieve that is to create entertainment areas.
You’ll need to ensure the room has a comfortable and functional layout, with enough seating for large groups and intimate conversations. You can also use modular furniture pieces to make the space accessible to reconfigure when necessary. This way, you can open the area for a big gathering or create small sitting areas for smaller numbers.
Lighting is a crucial element in making an entertainment area feel welcoming. Choose lighting that enhances the ambiance, is easy to moderate, and minimizes screen glare. Overhead lighting must be subtle. Lighting can bring a dark room to life but keep it understated.
Lighting is essential; figuring out the right amount of light for any room can be tricky. The wrong lighting can leave a room dark and dull or glaringly bright.
Your home is probably the largest investment in your life. Whether it is your forever home or a starter home, it should be customized to fit into your lifestyle. Staying with classic fabrics and schemes is always a wise choice. If you choose your furnishings carefully, your home will be easy to keep current with minor changes. This is the perfect year to make changes that will improve the look and feel of your home.
More work from home advice…
The best office chair to buy for working from home [Updated February 2023]
As we all spend more time working from home than ever before it’s crucial to have the right equipment that keeps you comfortable and avoiding repetitive injuries. There’s lots of reasons why we think investing in a good office chair now is a smart idea, but we also know that choosing a new desk chair can be tough. Where should you buy it? How much should it cost, and most importantly, what is the best office chair available (as of 2022)?
As we all spend more time working from home than ever before it’s crucial to have the right equipment that keeps you comfortable and avoiding repetitive injuries. Whether you’re looking for an executive looking chair, or even a desk bike to keep you fit and healthy, there’s lots of reasons why we think investing in a good office chair now is a smart idea, but we also know that choosing a new desk chair can be tough. Where should you buy it? How much should it cost, and most importantly, what is the best office chair available (as of 2022)? At THOL we recommend the following to point you in the right direction, and ensure you don’t waste money on a dud office chair.
Recommended: Best office chair
Autonomous ErgoChair Pro
Fully adjustable, completely supportive, and super breathable. This one has it all.
In our opinion the ErgoChair Pro is the best office chair you can buy right now without breaking the bank. An exceptional and ergonomic design means you’ll be comfortable for years to come even after using it for the 9-5s and even a few sneaky gaming sessions in-between. The ErgoChair Pro comes in six different colour combinations, but the classic ‘Black’ style is our favourite, likely to fit into most home office setups nicely without being too distracting. The ErgoChair Pro comes with all the modern features you’d expect from a $500 office chair, including; adjustable height, armrest, headrest, backrest, and seat tilt, smooth recline with five lockable positions, flexible lumbar support for any seated position, woven mesh back for optimum airflow, 100% earth-friendly materials, and a 2-year warranty.
Autonomous proudly claim the ErgoChair Pro can relieve back pain by reducing fatigue on your lower back and after we’ve been using ours for over a year now we can confirm that it really is as comfortable as you could hope for. Another nice feature is the ability for you to charge the chair to your business for an additional 7% discount, along with all of the usual tax options for your country. For the complete package, we are proud to recommend the Autonomous ErgoChair Pro as the best office chair you can buy right now!
Runner up: Best office chair
IKEA Järvfjället
All bodies are different. JÄRVFJÄLLET swivel chair is designed so that you can adjust the headrest, lumbar support, armrests and the seat height and depth to best suit your body height and shape.
A modern classic, and a favourite for many, there’s no surprises that IKEA’s Järvfjället is featured as our runner up for the best office chair you can buy right now. With incredibly easy setup and a comfy leather cushion base, the ‘Jarv’ also comes complete with an incredible 10 year guarantee.
As expected, you get plenty of customisation options to ensure your body fits right, and that your back gets the support it needs as the seat depth can be adjusted and the chair has built-in lumbar support. You can also adjust the headrest and the lumbar support to suit you and your needs. IKEA also gives a nod to the longevity of the chair, stating ‘the leather ages beautifully and acquires a nice patina over time.’ A great, tried-and-tested companion for many years, just without a few modern features we’d love to see IKEA implement in a pricier model in the future, you can’t go wrong with this classic.
Most affordable: Best office chair
Hbada Office Chair Desk Chair Flip-up Armrest Ergonomic Task Chair Compact 120° Locking 360° - White
4 stars out of 5 (Amazon) 7,072 ratings
-31% £89.99
In March 2020 many workers would have instantly looked to Amazon to acquire a new office chair and unfortunately many would have been disappointed with the cheap, plastic and uncomfortable options that can be found there. However, we have had many of you recommend this great affordable office chair that is easy to set up, surprisingly comfortable, and readily available for quick delivery (Amazon Prime available too). Although this model doesn’t include a headrest (other options are available) this lumbar supported chair comes with plenty of options to ensure you can get the right position for your back and legs. Our favourite features are the ability to flip the arms up and put the chair under the desk for saving space, and the 120° tilt tension. A great option for those not looking to spend over £100 for an office chair, but not willing to forego comfort.
Choosing an office chair is a hugely personal choice but doing your research is crucial to ensure you don’t end up with a poor quality and uncomfortable office chair. It’s estimated that if you’re sitting for five hours a day, five days a week, that equates to 1,175 hours – or almost 50 days - every year (source), proving how important choosing the best office desk is for your physical and mental wellbeing, and sometimes paying a bit more can actually be cost effective in the long run. But we want to know what you think, do you agree with our recommend office chair? Let us know in the comments below.
Disclaimer: Product links on our website are referral links. If you use one of these and buy something, we make a little bit of money. Learn more here.
What else does your home office need?
The best monitor for your home office setup
Ring light for your Zoom calls
Best folding desks for small, cosy spaces
More work from home advice…
Working from Home: Gift Guide (Under £100)
Getting the right balance between design, affordability and comfort can be challenging. Sometimes it is better to spend more on quality for a product that will last years even with day-to-day use.
Updated February 2023
Getting the right balance between design, affordability and comfort can be challenging. Sometimes it is better to spend more on quality for a product that will last years even with day-to-day use. With The Home Office Life Gift Guide we’ve compiled our favourite mid-range products for gifts to buy others, or yourself.
Logitech MX Master 3 Advanced Wireless Mouse
-22% £93.45
If you’re in the market for a professional wireless mouse, you can’t go wrong here. Join the swathes of people who swear by it. A no-brainer upgrade for those with the awful Apple Magic Mouse. Also available for Windows 10 users.
Breville HotCup Hot Water Dispenser
-33% £39.99
How many times have you tried to grab a quick tea before that next virtual conference or meeting. This god-send device will get you a perfectly brewed drink in no time and with incredible temperature control options.
Home Coffee Co. Electric Milk Frother
Ultra-quiet design takes just two minutes to do the job thanks to the intuitive one-touch button design and then automatically switches off when finished
Stainless steel inner comes with an easy-clean, non-stick coating, while a trio of suction cups keeps it right where it needs to be
Includes free coffee bag samples
Modomise Tower - Starter Pack
£80 (Coming soon)
Decluttering your desk has never been more important than it is today. A new startup company Modomise have created a unique solution with a modular system that allows you to create a bespoke solution for every space. One to keep an eye out for!
Blue Microphones Yeti USB Microphone
The go-to USB microphone for anyone looking to upgrade their audio output for calls, meetings, interviews and even for those looking for an affordable podcast setup. Plug in, download the optional software and you’re ready to go in seconds.
Logitech MX Keys Advanced Wireless Illuminated Keyboard for Mac
-17% from £99.99
Type in comfort with the perfect companion for the MX Master 3 mouse. Unlike the current options for mice, there’s plenty of great keyboard options, including some mechanical keyboards. But this keyboard has all the features you’re looking for to get into some long prose sessions.
LifeSpan Fitness Workplace Yoga Ball Office Chair
-16% £85.00 incl. VAT
The LifeSpan Fitness Workplace Yoga Ball Office Chair is a unique office chair that features a yoga ball instead of a traditional seat. This chair aims to improve posture and engage core muscles while sitting, promoting an active and healthy lifestyle. The chair also includes wheels for mobility and an adjustable base to accommodate different body heights. It's a great choice for individuals looking for an ergonomic and active seating option for their home or office.
BenQ ScreenBar Monitor Light LED Task Lamp
-10% £80
Becoming ever more popular, the LED monitor lamps are a great addition to your battlestations to help ease eye strain. USB powered with auto-dimming options, check out why this product has 5 stars on Amazon! (2,454 ratings)
Twelve South BookArc for MacBook
from £49.99
The perfect addition for a ultra sleek and modern setup, keep your expensive MacBook safe and secure with easy access to your Thunderbolt ports. Colour match with your device with options for Apple Space Grey or Silver.
LaCie 2 TB External Hard Drive HDD
-8% £86.06
An attractive, rugged and stylish hard drive that matches Mac or PC setups with USB 3.0 connectivity and a large 2TB storage option. Great for cold storage that seamlessly blends in with your setup, and a pleasure to use whenever needed.
Thinlerain 11.6 Inch Portable Mini Monitor
-6% £83.99 after voucher
If you only have the one monitor, this mini monitor is the perfect way to give yourself some new real estate in a portable and fun way. Choose between connecting to any side of your main monitor, or use as a pull out second screen wherever you need it. Perfect for presenters, videographers, graphic designers and also Twitch streamers! How you will you use your mini monitor?
Looking for some different gift ideas in a lower price range? Check out our The Home Office Life Gift Guide (Under £30)
Disclaimer: Product links on our website are referral links. If you use one of these and buy something, we make a little bit of money. Learn more here.
Want more tips on working from home? Check these posts out:
The ultimate work from home ASMR content to keep you productive
ASMR content is designed to help you stay focused while still giving you enough variety and entertainment to keep you motivated throughout your day.
When you work from home it can be easy to get distracted. You'll be tempted to check the news, answer emails or maybe even quit and go watch TV. ASMR (autonomous sensory meridian response) [what is ASMR?] content is designed to help you stay focused while still giving you enough variety and entertainment to keep you motivated throughout your day.
What I love about these playlists is the flexibility for you as a user, and how you want to set up your listening experience. You have multiple options, whether it’s having a YouTube tab open on your computer, or having these playlists beamed to your home hi-fi set up, it’s completely up to you. We’ve even had reports of ASMR being played at conferences or large events, which helps set the vibe. With just an internet connection and TV rentals, you could get this set up anywhere. Sound on for our recommendations on the best mood-boosting, productivity-peaking soundtracks to work to when you’re at home.
Lofi Girl
Perhaps known for being the OG ‘lofi’ source of relaxing beats on YouTube, Lori Girl has become a global icon, and has 11.7M subscribers on YouTube. The great thing is that the channel has hundreds of curated playlists with incredible artwork, or you can just join the on-going live stream with a version for studying, and one for relaxing - to ensure you’ll always have something in the background to listen to.
Cozy Fall Coffee Shop Ambience: Relaxing Jazz Music & Rain Sounds for Studying, Relaxation, & Sleep - Calmed By Nature
Jazz Music? Check. Coffee shop setting? Check. Autumnal vibes? Check. Relaxing rain sounds? Check check check! This ultimate relaxing video has been collated by Calmed by Nature and gives you over 8 hours of chill vibes to help you get you through your work day. Not a fan of this specific setting? Why not try from their vast catalogue with different settings and musical arrangements to find the right one to get you in a ‘zen’ mindset.
Snowfall in Times Square, NYC | Walking in New York City in the Winter Snow -
Nomadic Ambience
When working from home, you may sometimes crave the sounds and sights of a large city, especially one as exciting as New York. We find that walking tours (done right) are an amazing way to audibly immerse yourself in an exciting setting whilst also removing all of the physical annoyances that you may experience when walking down 6th Avenue - for example. In our opinion, Nomadic Ambience are one of the best options for this category of content, with a deep, contrasty look that just oozes style but with great stable camera work and audio. Pick your favourite city, and immerse yourself in the sights and sounds whilst you enjoy the comforts of home working.
Whether you work from home a lot, or just need some help keeping your focus, these types of content can be an excellent way to keep yourself on track. Hopefully these recommendations are helpful for you in staying productive. Click play, and get on with your day!
Sound off below for what content you personally use to keep productive 👇
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Working from Home: Gift Guide (Under £30)
With birthdays, holidays and special occasions always just around the corner, and with many working from home in some capacity, we’ve compiled a list of gift ideas for your new home office setup.
Updated 11th November 2022
With birthdays, holidays and special occasions always just around the corner, and with many of us working from home in some capacity, we’ve compiled a list of gift ideas for your new home office setup. With The Home Office Life Gift Guide, we hope we can help you choose what to give your loved ones.
Sukin Hydrating Mist Toner
Freshen up and avoid dry eyes from staring at your screen all day with a hydrating mist.
‘Pump & Feed' Plant Food 200ml
Keep your houseplants alive with a handy plant food dispenser. Don’t forget to water!
Playstation Icons Lights
A great addition to your RGB lighting to show some love for your favourite gaming icon. Pair with a Playstation 5, if you can find one!
Anker Magnetic Cable Holder
Completing your home office or battlestation only to find dangling and hanging cables can be a a real killjoy. Put that sticky tape and blu-tack away and get an integrated magnetic solution.
Anker Wireless Chargers Bundle
A wireless charger is the perfect place to leave your phone on your desk to keep it neat-and-tidy whilst charging throughout your workday. Get this bundle and have two options for either upright or on a flat pad. Use the other next to your bed and you’ll never run of battery again.
Silicone Drink Coasters Set of 8
Often overlooked in an office environment, but arguably the most used accessory to any desk setup. Grab a set of non-slip coasters and ensure your hot or cold beverages don’t drip on your expensive desk.
T2 Tea Loose Leaf Tea Maker with Tea Infuser
Perfect for green tea drinkers looking to use loose tea, this easy-to-use and stylish tea maker is a mainstay for many work from office environments, also making it easy to re-use tea for at least a couple of cups.
Nordik Leather Desk Mat Cable Organiser
Becoming ever more popular as an all-in-one solution for protection and replacing small and fiddly traditional mouse mats, this leather desk mat is a perfect size for most desks and available in great colour combinations. There’s other XL options out there for large desks but for many this will do a great job and even includes some handy cable management built in.
If you’re looking for gifts between £30-£100, check out out other The Home Office Life Gift Guide (Under £100). Let us know if you have any suggestions for must-have gift recommendations under £30 in the comments below 👇
Disclaimer: Product links on our website are referral links. If you use one of these and buy something, we make a little bit of money. Learn more here.
More work from home advice…
Use these to hang things on your plaster walls
How are you supposed to hang things on a plaster wall/drywall? Well, put down that hammer and drill, because I think I have found the most perfect solution for this, and after using this new product from 3M, I can safely say I will never hang anything on the wall again without these!
Note: This is not a sponsored post from 3M, we just had to rave about this incredible innovation for hanging heavy items on plaster walls.
If you’re like me and absolutely useless at DIY, you may sometimes find even the most basic thing - like hanging a picture frame on the wall - as a seemingly impossible challenge. It’s not that the process is hard, it’s not knowing what the right process is for different types of walls. Plaster, brick, stone, concrete, stud, the list goes on and on, what do you use and how can you be sure to avoid damaging your pristine walls and causing more headaches for yourself? But for most houses around the world, you’ll likely have walls with very thin plaster/drywall, which in the past causes headaches when hanging heavy home decor on them.
So, how are you supposed to hang things on a plaster wall/drywall? Well, put down that hammer and drill, because I think I have found the most perfect solution for this, and after using this new product from 3M, I can safely say I will never hang anything on the wall again without these!
3M Claw Plasterboard Picture Hanging Wall Hooks -
Holds between 7 kg - 30kg
No tools - just push in with your thumbs
No studs - hang anywhere on drywall
No regrets - no big holes left in the wall
Having put these to the test in our new build house, I’ve been blown away by how easy it was to use. I’ve managed to put up multiple heavy mirrors and picture frames up within seconds! And the best part, you can put them up wherever you want, without ever needing a drill, or a hammer, or anything else except your thumbs! There’s different size Claws to hold different weights, between 7 kg and up to 30kg! For me, this has been a real game changer, and I’ll be sure to get more of the 3M Claws to get my new home office looking nice and cosy with all sorts of home decor!
Disclaimer: Product links on our website are referral links. If you use one of these and buy something, we make a little bit of money. Learn more here.
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How to play YouTube videos in Picture in Picture on PC or Mac
Did you know that you can watch YouTube videos in an overlayed picture in picture mode whilst working from home? With just 2 double clicks you can open up a whole world of possibilities on YouTube with this hidden gem of a feature - and we can’t believe how many people still don’t know about this!
Did you know that you can watch YouTube videos in an overlayed Picture in Picture mode whilst working from home? With just 2 double clicks you can open up a whole world of possibilities on YouTube with this hidden gem of a feature - and we can’t believe how many people still don’t know about this!
Open up a YouTube video in your browser
Right click
Right click again!
Click ‘Enter Picture in Picture’
From here you can now bring the Picture in Picture box back into the YouTube tab, or pause/resume the video.
Ok, so why is this so useful? Well, watching and listening to content whilst working from home plays an important part in entertaining you throughout a working day, and also actually helps you becoming distracted. The world of ASMR content has been steadily popular since 2020, and we’ve even recommended our 3 favourite pieces of ASMR content to try when working from home.
Google Trends for ASMR since 2017
Stop playing YouTube videos the old way and then struggling to find the video in a sea of open tabs, and instead put you and your content back into your control with this ‘hack’.
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Key 2023/24 tax year dates, deadlines & thresholds
Here are the self-assessment tax return dates, VAT return dates for financial year 2023/24.
Whether you’re working from home as a self-employed individual or an employee, it’s always helpful to know the latest tax year dates in the UK, which will come into force in April 2023.
Here are the self-assessment tax return dates and VAT return dates for 2023/24.
This is for 2023/24. Click to see key 2024/25 tax year dates.
Or, want to know the dates for 2022/23? Check them here.
When does the 2023/24 tax year start?
The 2023/24 tax year begins on 6 April 2023 and ends on 5 April 2024.
Self-assessment tax return dates 2023/24
Here are your Self Assessment tax return dates, and other important deadlines for individuals and self-employed in the 2023/24 tax year:
5 April 2023 | 2022/23 tax year ends |
6 April 2023 | 2024/24 tax year begins |
31 July 2023 | Second Payment on Account (POA) for Income Tax for 2022/23 |
5 October 2023 | Deadline for Self Assessment registration to notify chargeability of Income Tax/Capital Gains Tax for 2022/23 |
19 October 2023 | Deadline for postal payments of CIS, Class 1 B NICs and PAYE to HMRC |
22 October 2023 | Deadline for electronic remittance of CIS, Class 1 B NICs and PAYE to HMRC |
31 October 2023 | Deadline for postal submission of Self Assessment tax returns for tax year ended 5 April 2023 to be received by HMRC |
30 December 2023 | Deadline for online submission of Self Assessment tax returns for tax year ended 5 April 2023 |
31 December 2023 | Due date to file company accounts with Companies House for limited companies with 31 March 2023 year end |
14 January 2024 | Income tax due date for CT61 period to 31 December 2023 |
31 January 2024 | Deadline for filing Self Assessment Tax Returns for tax year ended 5 April 2023 and 2022/23 Capital Gains Tax
Balancing payment of tax due for 2022/23 and first Payment on Account for Income Tax for 2023/24 |
5 April 2024 | 2023/24 tax year ends |
6 April 2024 | 2024/25 tax year begins |
Deadlines for submitting VAT returns 2023/24
The deadline for submitting your return is 1 month and 7 days after the end of the VAT period, whether you pay your VAT monthly or quarterly.
Here are the key dates for submitting VAT returns in the 2023/24 tax year:
7 April 2023 | Deadline for VAT returns and payments of Accounting Quarter period ending 28 February 2023 |
7 May 2023 | Deadline for VAT returns and payments of Accounting Quarter period ending 31 March 2023 |
7 June 2023 | Deadline for VAT returns and payment Accounting Quarter period ending 30 April 2023 if filed online |
7 July 2023 | Deadline for VAT returns and payments of Accounting Quarter period ending 31 May 2023 |
7 August 2023 | Deadline for VAT returns and payments of Accounting Quarter period ending 30 June 2023 |
7 September 2023 | Deadline for VAT returns and payments of Accounting Quarter period ending 31 July 2023 |
7 October 2023 | Deadline for VAT returns and payments of Accounting Quarter period ending 31 August 2023 |
7 November 2023 | Deadline for VAT returns and payments of Accounting Quarter period ending 30 September 2023 |
7 December 2023 | Deadline for VAT returns and payments of Accounting Quarter period ending 31 October 2023 |
7 January 2024 | Deadline for VAT returns and payments of Accounting Quarter period ending 30 November 2023 |
7 February 2024 | Deadline for VAT returns and payments of Accounting Quarter period ending 31 December 2023 |
7 March 2024 | Deadline for VAT returns and payments of Accounting Quarter period ending 31 January 2024 |
PAYE tax rates & thresholds 2023/24
Employee Personal Allowance: £12,570
Basic Rate Tax Band: 20% on income between £12,571 and £50,270
Higher Rate Tax Band: 40% on income between £50,271 and £125,139
Additional Rate Tax Band: 45% on income above £125,140
The standard tax code for 2023/24 is 1250L
Read more working from home tips & guides:
What do you need to set up an efficient home office?
These days, many people prefer to work from home. This is because it enhances their productivity and makes it easy to schedule their day. Therefore, the concept of having a home office is rising these days.
These days, many people prefer to work from home. This is because it enhances their productivity and makes it easy to schedule their day. Therefore, the concept of having a home office is rising these days.
Setting up an efficient home office is easy, you just have to use a bit of creativity and purchase wisely!
A home office can be set up on a budget. You can choose various accessories from standing desks to custom size glass chair mats (see image above) when setting up a home office. However, there are certain aspects to consider while setting up an efficient home office. This article shares all those aspects that will help you set up a professional working space at home.
1: Choose the right space
First of all, you have to choose an ideal space within your home. Now, a perfect space is where you can sit back and focus on your daily office workflow. It should be spacious enough to accommodate your office desk and chair setup.
Also, there should be enough lighting around to help you stay focused. Now, you can choose nearly any space that ticks all the above-mentioned boxes. For example, it can be a corner of your bedroom. Maybe, any corner space in your living room.
Some space next to your bedroom can also be converted into an ideal workspace. The list goes on. So, you have to identify which space will help you work with better focus and attention.
2. Invest in the right items
There are a lot of small items that can enhance your daily workflow. For example, your office desk should have all the required stationery. In addition, sticky notes, plenty of pens, a note pad and a small storage box are must for every home office.
Furthermore, you should also have all the required tech gadgets with you. For example, a laptop stand is a must if you don't want to feel tired at the end of every work day. Further, a wireless mouse and keyboard combo could be an excellent addition.This combination will help you work on your laptop or PC with ease.
Similarly, you can opt for an office printer if you often have to print specific documents. Also, you should invest in some protective gear for your office furniture. For example, the glass chair mats would be ideal for protecting your home office floor.
3. Seating arrangement
Your office's seating arrangement is an aspect you should never overlook. That's because it's directly linked with your health. Often, because of poor posture, many people have to face serious health issues.
So, invest in a quality office chair. Also, a laptop stand is an essential accessory. Place it at your eye level or a bit low (if that suits you). This way, you can avoid severe eye strain.
The office table is also an element that can make or break your office seating arrangement. So choose a durable office table. You can opt for a glass table for some great looks on top of great functionality. Lastly, glass chair mats would be ideal for quickly moving the chair. They will also protect your office floor.
4. Office Lighting
Office lighting often gets overlooked. That's because most people assume that natural light would be enough for them. Of course, natural lighting is also important, but you should have enough artificial lighting in your home office.
You can use fluorescent lights to lighten up your home office. These days LED lights are pretty cheap and are easily available. So you can opt for LED lights as well. In reality, it's not all about choosing a specific type of lighting. It's about how you set up those lights. You can lighten up your office desk by using LED strips.
For additional lighting, hang some LED bulbs on top of your office desk. So there are many ways to customize your office lighting.
5. Add Some Plants
Setting up a home office is all about coming up with innovative ideas. One such idea is to place a natural plant alongside a window. You will just have to water the plant regularly. Furthermore, there are also artificial plants available. You can place them at any corner as they don't require sunlight or watering.
6. Storage Space
Your home office should have enough storage space where you can store various office accessories and stationery. In addition, you can install some additional storage shelves to maximize the storage space. These storage shelves look great and offer plenty of storage space.
There are also dedicated storage boxes that you can use to store some extra items. Further, go with an office table that has drawers where you can store daily used office items. You can also opt for separate cabinets for upgrading your office storage space.
So, these are some cool and easy ways to set up a home office. It's not tough at all. You just have to be a bit creative. That's because you aren't answerable to anyone. You can go for any theme that suits your interest.
You can go above and beyond to customize your personal working space. In this regard, choosing a location that helps you stay focused is important. Ideally, you should focus on investing in quality office furniture. A comfortable office chair is also important as it won't make you feel tired.
There should be enough storage space available. Also, you can buy artificial plants to change the aesthetics of your workplace. Last but not the least, a couple of glass chair mats would be a perfect accessory. It will protect your office floor on top of promising looks. Always prefer to buy glass panels or any glass accessory from a trustworthy glass distributor.
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Three great job ideas for those wishing to work from home
People’s working habits have changed significantly, with more people working from home than ever. In fact, statistics show that three million people claimed working from home tax relief in 2020/21, up from around 1.7 million in 2019. Whilst those figures have settled a little since the world opened for business once again, many people had their eyes opened to working from home.
The 2020 pandemic changed the world in many ways. Some of the changes were temporary, others more permanent.
People’s working habits have changed significantly, with more people working from home than ever. In fact, statistics show that three million people claimed working from home tax relief in 2020/21, up from around 1.7 million in 2019. Whilst those figures have settled a little since the world opened for business once again, many people had their eyes opened to working from home. Employers realised it was beneficial in terms of their outgoings; lower energy costs, less demand on space and a reduced need for infrastructure all added up to a cost saving. In terms of wellbeing, people who work from home tend to be happier (if they do it properly), with a better work/life balance, no commute and a feeling of empowerment and trust. Some might even freelance, empowered not just by where they work but how they work. Flexible working is another aspect of working from home that positively impacts people; Hubstaff, for instance, allows you to prove you’ve worked 40 hours, but it also allows you to work 40 hours that suit you if your employer allows.
With so many benefits, it’s clear working from home will remain popular. If you’re sold on the idea but wonder what courses to take or opportunities to seek to best help you along, we’re here to help. These are three great remote jobs for people wishing to work from home.
Mobile App Designer
The digital world is not only driving people to work from home but also creating more opportunities. Certain sectors, such as mobile apps, have become more involved, and that means a need for designers capable of using graphic design software and the like. It isn’t just big titles and releases that need good designers; online casinos are helping drive the requirement for such skills as well. They’re becoming more popular in the UK, and more providers are popping up looking to deliver immersive and realistic experiences. As a case point, the online slots from Foxy Games include the Eye of Horus series, which feature multiple slots. All have a theme that are designed around Ancient Egypt, with subtle operational differences, but they need to be coded and made uniform and user-friendly; that can all be done remotely. Millions of other apps need such design; in fact, it’s estimated that there are more than 2.65 million apps on Google Play alone. In particular, the online casino and iGaming industry relies on app design skills, but there will always be opportunities with so many apps.
Content Creator
Not only do these apps and sites need skilled coders, but they often have plenty of other content too. Think about your favourite app; it’s almost certain to have a blog page or some written content that helps drive engagement. Even online casinos tend to have written content these days, discussing their games or FAQs helping customers out. Someone has written every word you see on the internet, which can be done remotely. Most companies providing such services only work remotely, with text being incredibly simple to work with over the internet. You might also find a niche in video content creation for YouTube or embedded in a company website. You can take the help of an AI video editing tool to generate videos for your YouTube channel or create videos for the company website. The possibilities are endless for freelance work, and that means working from home.
Graphic Designer
We’ve looked at graphic design in terms of online games and apps, but people need graphics for all applications, and that is where the remote graphic designer comes in. You might be working freelance, bouncing from one small design job to the next, or working as part of an agile remote team collaborating on bigger projects. The world of a graphic designer is varied and full of niche areas, such as fashion graphic design, logos and business, or sports marketing and engagement. Just as every word you read on the internet has a person behind it, every logo, picture, and graphic has also been created by a person. Again, with it being a job you perform almost entirely on your computer, it makes it perfect for those wishing to work from home.
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Popular hotel chains check-in and check-out times
It can be really hard to find your hotel chain's check-in and check-out times (and breakfast times), so we’ve put them together in a handy chart.
Last updated: 1 August 2022
Of course, working from home is superior (at least, that’s our opinion at The Home Office Life!), but there will likely be occasions when you’ll need to work away from home for a length of time. If that’s the case, and you’re working somewhere within the UK, then chances are, you’ll be booking into a popular hotel chain for your stay.
But it can be really hard to find your hotel chain's check-in and check-out times (and breakfast times), so we’ve put them together in a handy chart below for the likes of Travelodge, Premier Inn, ibis, Holiday Inn, Hilton and more.
Hotel check-in, check-out and breakfast hours
Hotel | Check-in | Check-out | Breakfast times |
Premier Inn | 15:00 | 12:00 | Varies by hotel, but usually 6:30 - 10:30 on weekdays and 7:00 to 11:00 at weekends |
Travelodge | 15:00 | 12:00 | Varies by hotel, but usually 7:00 - 10:00 on weekdays and 8:00 to 11:00 at weekends |
Hilton | Varies by hotel | Varies by hotel, but usually 12:00 | Varies by hotel, but usually 7:00 - 10:00 on weekdays and 7:00 to 11:00 at weekends |
Walt Disney Parks and Resorts | 16:00 for Disney Deluxe Villas or 15:00 for the other Disney Resorts | 11:00 | Varies by restaurant, check website for more details |
Holiday Inn | 15:00 | 12:00 | Varies by hotel, but usually 6:30 - 10:30 on weekdays and 7:30 to 11:00 at weekends |
Marriott | Varies by hotel, but usually 15:00 | Varies by hotel, but usually 6:30 - 9:30 on weekdays and 7:00 to 10:00 at weekends | |
Savoy Hotel | 15:00 | 11:00 | 7:00 - 11:00 |
Haven Holidays | 1 - 2 hours before allocated check in time | 10:00 | Not applicable |
Ritz | 15:00 | 12:00 | 8:00 - 10:30 |
Butlins | Enter resort from 13:00 | 10:00 | Varies by location, check website for more details |
Radisson | 15:00 | 12:00 | Varies by hotel, but usually 7:00 - 10:30 Monday to Saturday and 8:00 to 11:00 on Sundays |
Ibis | 15:00 | 12:00 | 4:00 - 12:00 |
Four Seasons Hotels | 15:00 | 12:00 | Varies by hotel, check website for more details |
Champneys | 15:00 | 11:00 | Varies by hotel, check website for more details |
Best Western | 15:00 | 11:00 | Varies by hotel, but usually 6:30 - 10:30 |
Mercure Hotels | 15:00 | 12:00 | Varies by hotel, but usually 6:30 - 9:30 on weekdays and 7:00 to 10:00 at weekends |
Novotel | 15:00 | 12:00 | Varies by hotel, but usually 6:30 - 10:00 on weekdays and 7:00 to 10:30 at weekends |
Crowne Plaza | 15:00 | 11:00 | Varies by hotel, but usually 6:30 - 10:30 on weekdays and 7:00 to 11:00 at weekends |
Sheraton Hotels and Resorts | Varies by hotel, but usually 15:00 | Varies by hotel, but usually 12:00 | Varies by hotel, but usually 6:30 - 9:30 on weekdays and 7:00 to 10:00 at weekends |
Ritz-Carlton | Varies by hotel, but usually 15:00 | Varies by hotel, but usually 12:00 | Varies by hotel, but usually 7:30 - 10:30 |
Above is the list of check-in, check-out and breakfast times for the top 20 most popular hotel brands (Q2, 2022) according to YouGov (source).
If you’re unsure of any information for your hotel, please visit their website as they’ll usually have a Live Chat feature to ask a member of their team for advice, or try their Twitter accounts for more detail.
Want more working from home advice?
Desktop wallpapers from James Webb telescope
After posting print files for James webb telescope’s first ever image, we’ve had an endless flood of people asking if we can do the same for desktop wallpapers. So, we’re releasing them for you to use on your own laptops, tablets and even mobile phones.
After posting print files for James webb telescope’s first ever image, we’ve had an endless flood of people asking if we can do the same for desktop wallpapers. So, after spending some time in our home office editing these incredible set of images, we’re releasing them for you to use on your own laptops, tablets and even mobile phones.
Credit, of course, goes to NASA for the incredible source images
In fact, these beautiful HD images can not only be used as wallpapers for your phone or computer desktop, but they can also become vinyl stickers with various sizes and shapes. Therefore, you can stick them on your electric devices and furniture in your apartment as fancy decor.
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FREE print templates: First images from James Webb telescope
Look back in time and decorate your home office with something cool, get your free print templates for images from the NASA James Webb Space Telescope courtesy of the Home Office Life.
Look back in time and decorate your home office with something cool, get your free print templates for images from the NASA James Webb Space Telescope courtesy of the Home Office Life.
Print templates are available – get yours now.
Recommended A3 frame: Amazon link
Recommended A4 frame: Amazon link
Recommended 10x10 frame: Amazon link
All print templates are 300dpi, CMYK, Colour profile sRGB IEC61966-2.1 and ready to print.
We also have desktop wallpapers for you to customise your devices background.
NASA has released the first set of images from their new, James Webb telescope. The telescope was launched in 2018 with the purpose to analyse planets outside our solar system. This marks a major milestone for scientists interested in finding possible habitable planets that other planets. On April 6th 2018, scientists and astronomers gathered together at NASA headquarters to receive the first images from the telescope which is set to revolutionize the field of astronomy. The telescope is named after a former NASA administrator (James Webb) who helped achieve President John F. Kennedy's goal of sending an American to the moon by the end of the 1960s. Now, it is looking beyond at some of the most distant objects in our universe and also helping us study planets that might be able to harbour life. It will peer even deeper into space than Hubble ever did, but will extend its sight across infrared wavelengths which are not visible to human eyes and even ones that are invisible to Hubble. Complex telescope algorithms are being developed to take advantage of its massive light-gathering power and Earth's rotation.
For more ideas about free printable check out our previous post: 18 top free printables to help you organise and decorate
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What’s the best professional ring light?
Are you looking for a professional ring light for your work from home desk setup? Here’s our pick of the best ring lights available to buy on Amazon right now.
Are you looking for a ring light for your work from home desk setup? Here’s our pick of the best ring lights available to buy on Amazon right now.
What is a ring light?
A ring light is a circular shaped LED light that’s used to brighten and lessen shadows on the subject it’s pointed on. You can get small ring lights to go round your phone camera (it’s the tool that all the cool Tiktokers, Instagrammers and Kardashians use), or a larger one that you can position on your desk to improve your appearance on webinars and work calls. Professional makeup artists and photographers also commonly use them.
If your desk is in a dark spot in your home office, and there are huge shadows being cast on your face a ring light is a must - especially if you’re filming for work. Not only will the footage look much better, a brighter appearance on camera is a great pick-me-up when you’re constantly staring at yourself on your computer!
Most professional ring lights are USB powered, so you can plug them straight into your computer (or a USB adapter for a MacBook like this one). They often have a variety of colour settings too, including bright white, warm white and warm yellow, and you should be able to change the brightness of these easily - so play around and find the best setting for the environment you’re in. Lots of ring lights are designed for use with mobile phones rather than laptops, as they’re great for taking selfies, but you can adapt their use for your WFH desk easily.
What should I use a ring light for?
Ring lights are good for Zoom calls and other video conferencing solutions, blogging, photography, live streaming and much more, like TikTok videos, Instagram Stories, Instagram Reels and YouTube videos.
Do ring lights really make a difference?
Many content creators and home workers have noted how much impact a ring light has on their setup. For those working from home making conference calls or webinars, a ring light gives a professional look, and helps to even out tone and shadows caused by lack of natural lighting or harsh room lighting. Content creators rely on 10-18 inch ring lights to smooth their appearance and/or help focus on the objects they are discussing in their content. Once you get your ring light, play around with the position and brightness/colour settings until you find your desired effect.
5 of the best professional ring lights
Disclaimer: Product links on our website are referral links. If you use one of these and buy something, we make a little bit of money. Learn more here.
GreenSun 12” Ring Light - Amazon
The GreenSun offering is a 12 inch LED ring light that’s primarily designed to light up around your phone for a well-lit selfie. It comes with an adjustable tripod stand (which you can have from 3.15 inches to 74.80 inches tall) and a range of accessories you can set it up for your needs. If you didn’t want to use this for your phone, you could use the tripod to hold the light on your desk behind your laptop or webcam.
Size: 12 inches, with extendable tripod from 3.15 inches to 74.80 inches
Colour settings: 3 colour modes available, with adjustable brightness settings
Power: USB powered with an added Bluetooth remote control
Neewer 14” Ring Light - Amazon
Neewer is one of the most popular names in ring lights, and this offering comes highly recommended on Amazon for its ease of use and range of brightness options available. This 14-inch LED ring light is a more robust option if you’re going to be filming lots, but thanks to the light aluminium stand, is still easy to move - complete with carry bag.
Size: 14 inches, with 61 inch aluminium stand
Colour settings: White and orange colour filters, with adjustable brightness settings
Power: Hot shoe adapter and charger
Neewer 12” RGB Ring Light - Amazon
This Neewer ring light is another great ring light option. It’s highly versatile, thanks to its extendable tripod that you can place on your desk or on the floor and the 2 rotatable phone clips that it comes with, which allow you to have your phone either in the middle of the LED light itself or just below it. You also get to choose from 16 colours in the ring light itself, making it a particularly fun option if you’re filming TikToks or Instagram Reels.
Size: 12 inches, with extendable tripod from 16 inches to 54 inches
Colour settings: 16 colours with 4 modes available, with adjustable brightness settings
Power: USB powered with an added Bluetooth remote control
YMCRLUX 6.3” Ring Light with Suction Cup - Amazon
The YMCRLUX LED ring light is much more compact than many other ring lights available, so it’s ideal for those who split their time between working from home and from their office. It’s a much smaller light too, at just 6.3 inches, and it features a suction cup to adhere to a surface - like the back of your laptop or a mirror - instead of requiring a tripod.
Size: 6.3 inches, with suction cup stand and tape pad
Colour settings: 3 light modes available, with 10 adjustable brightness settings
Power: USB powered
AIXPI 10” Ring Light - Amazon
The AIXPI ring light is a great choice for YouTubers, live streamers and TikTok content creators with its phone holder functionality in the centre of the light. You can also place a DSLR camera there. The tripod also allows for 360° rotation, which can be particularly helpful for content creators - although it still offers everything you need for professional conference call lighting too.
Size: 10 inches, with desk tripod stand and phone holder
Colour settings: 3 light modes available, with 10 adjustable brightness settings
Power: USB powered with an added Bluetooth remote control